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2024-04-11 07:24:45

Transcendence properties of the Artin-Hasse exponential modulo $p$
Joe Kramer-Miller arxiv.o…
2024-03-10 15:39:20

Ukraine weist Papst-Aussagen scharf zurück
Die Regierung in Kiew hat die Äußerungen von Papst Franziskus zum Hissen einer "weißen Fahne" angesichts des russischen Angriffskriegs scharf zurückgewiesen. "Unsere Flagge ist gelb und blau. Das ist die Flagge, für die wir leben, sterben und triumphieren. Wir werden niemals andere Fahnen hissen", erklärte Außenminister Dmytro Kuleba im Online-Dienst X. Fran…
2024-04-10 05:22:38

Of course, I can't start a day without being awfully angry about some shit.
So #Gentoo suddenly undoes USE=lzma [and USE=zstd] that used to be enabled by default in 23.0 profiles, apparently based on "consensus" on the mailing lists. The "consensus" boils down to one conspiracy theorist developer complaining, and being supported by 3 users whose Gentoo contributions boil down to having to express their opinions on everything on the mailing list.
This isn't only a problem, because Gentoo is letting itself be controlled by a vocal minority. This is a problem, because we've enabled something that can affect program output, told everyone to upgrade and rebuild their systems, then pulled the carpet from under them.
Wait, did that random app start using LZMA compression now that you've enabled it? Well, bad luck, you won't be able to open your files anymore. Surely, there's no better #security than not being able to do anything!
Unfortunately, sys-apps/kmod had explicit IUSE= lzma by default for a while now, so there's still a risk that you'll be able to boot your system. That's not good for security at all!
2024-04-10 02:55:03

#DavidHasselhoff #AngieHarmon #GregAlanWilliams
Baywatch Nights 1x22 - Heat Rays
2024-03-11 15:01:16

"Populistische Führungsfiguren gibt es quer durch das politische Spektrum. Egal ob sie Hubert Aiwanger (Freie Wähler) oder Friedrich Merz (CDU), Sarah Wagenknecht (BSW) oder Alice Weidel (AfD) heißen, meist versprechen sie radikale Lösungen für komplexe Probleme.
Gezielte Tabubrüche und Provokationen gehören dabei ebenso zur populistischen Agitation wie das Schüren von Angst und Hass."
Dr. Christian Scharun
2024-04-10 06:49:10

SurveyAgent: A Conversational System for Personalized and Efficient Research Survey
Xintao Wang, Jiangjie Chen, Nianqi Li, Lida Chen, Xinfeng Yuan, Wei Shi, Xuyang Ge, Rui Xu, Yanghua Xiao
2024-05-09 07:27:59

Overcoming Anchoring Bias: The Potential of AI and XAI-based Decision Support
Felix Haag, Carlo Stingl, Katrin Zerfass, Konstantin Hopf, Thorsten Staake
2024-04-10 06:55:15

#AlexandraBokyunChun #AngieHarmon #DavidHasselhoff
Baywatch Nights 2x14 - Ascension
2024-04-09 08:56:07

This has been replaced.
2024-04-10 00:55:07

#GregAlanWilliams #DavidHasselhoff #AngieHarmon
Baywatch Nights 1x22 - Heat Rays